See what you can read about in Chidusz 2/2023.
magazyn żydowski
in english
The spring issue of CHIDUSZ Magazine 1/2023
The spring issue of Chidusz, now a quarterly, is packed to a brim with 144 pages of interviews, essays, and literature. In honor of the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, we publish the short story The Shawl by the brilliant American writer Cynthia Ozick for the first time in Polish. And on the…
Chidusz 10/2022: Blank pages, faces of the Shoa and Judith Plaskow’s essays
We open this issue of Chidusz with four blank pages. This is our protest against the unfair distribution of government subsidies. The Department of National and Ethnic Minorities did not grant any subsidies for publishing Chidusz in 2023
Chidusz 9/2022: Feminist anti-Judaism and the secrets of Joseph Opatoshu’s bedroom
Read what we write about in the current Polish-language issue of Chidusz
Chidusz 8/2022: In Polish Woods [a serialised novel]
In Polish Woods is possibly the most beautiful novel about Polish-Jewish relations. We hope that this trilogy by Joseph Opatoshu, published in instalments from this issue on, will make for a comfort read in the coming autumn evenings
Chidusz 7/2022: Eichmann in Buenos Aires and the Bible that discriminates
Read what we write about in the current Polish-language issue of Chidusz
Sabina of Lviv
“If you really need to know, I will tell you about my family. Just know, I am not fond of doing it nor want to remember,” said my grandmother, looking at me with disapproval. (…) my curiosity arose 20 years earlier when I met her sister Gina in Chicago. On her tiny arm one could see the Auschwitz camp tattoo. Over the years nobody explained anything to me.
Chidusz 6/2022: Male Theology and Women’s Experience
On the new cover of Chidusz synagogue becomes an exclusively female space. Women occupy all the downstairs seats. Balconies, on the other hand, are left empty. The service is led by a female rabbi. The artwork illustrates ideas from two essays by an outstanding Jewish feminist theologian Judith Plaskow in which she helps us understand why we should distance ourselves from the male God language and imagery used as a tool of exclusion of women from Jewish religious life.
Chidusz 5/2022: Lilith, Eve and Judith Plasow’s Jewish Feminist Theology
Lilith and Eve There was nothing worse for Lilith (the first wife of Adam, according to a rabbinic legend) than living with her husband. So she decided to run away. And so God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and out, of one of his ribs, created for him a second companion, Eve. …