styczeń, 2016

Wieczne pióro

“Stałem tam z wiecznym piórem w ręce, podczas gdy mój dom po prostu nie istniał. Wtedy jakiś starszy pan zapytał sprzedawczyni, w czym problem. Gdy usłyszał wyjaśnienie, powiedział:– Tak, stał tu kiedyś drewniany dom, zaraz obok okna z książkami. Niestety zniszczono go czterdzieści pięć lat temu.” Opowiadanie izraelskiego pisarza Drora Bursteina napisane specjalnie dla “Chiduszu” w tłumaczeniu Uli Rybickiej.

Konstanty Gebert: Wściekle polskie Polin

Przeogromnie bawi mnie, jak wściekle polskie jest to muzeum. Na wystawie świata zewnętrznego prawie w ogóle nie ma. Pojawia się dwa razy. W galerii średniowiecznej, żeby pokazać, skąd Żydzi przyjechali, i w galerii nowoczesnej, żeby pokazać, dokąd wyjeżdżali. Reszta jest bez znaczenia. Jest Remu, ale nie ma Majmonidesa. Rambam mieszkał nie tam, gdzie trzeba, więc jest bez znaczenia. I ta obłąkańcza koncentracja na sobie samym jest bardzo polska i bardzo żydowska. Nie sądzę, żeby to było intencjonalnie zaprojektowane, tak po prostu wyszło, ale to, co wyszło, jest bardzo autentyczne, jeśli chodzi o polską i żydowską autopercepcję.

Editorial [to the first English-language issue of CHIDUSZ]

We are delighted to present the first English-language issue of Chidusz the Jewish Magazine, published monthly in Wrocław since 2013 with support of the local Jewish Community. We have chosen twelve articles that we believe give an overview of the magazine’s profile and shed light on different aspects of Polish-Jewish reality. Chidusz in Hebrew means…

English-language issue of CHIDUSZ

We are delighted to present the first English-language issue of Chidusz the Jewish Magazine, published monthly in Wrocław since 2013 with support of the local Jewish Community. We have chosen twelve articles that we believe give an overview of the magazine’s profile and shed light on different aspects of Polish-Jewish reality. Chidusz in Hebrew means…

Rescuing Their Memory

Asked about how to get to Wińsko, Natala sends me a detailed railway timetable. She offers to pick me up at the station in Ścinawa, and gives me a ride to the cemetery. She says not to worry about anything, as she will also take me back to the station at the end of my…

The Only Testimony to the Murder of Jews in Gniewoszów

An article presenting testimony of the killing of Jews committed after World War II by their Polish neighbors is a small, yet, for us, highly significant element in the reconstruction of the history of Polish complicity in the Holocaust. In August 2014, 69 years after the murder of her Jewish neighbors, Helena wrote a letter…

A Two Percent Chance of Survival

John Calvin will soon be able to work again as a vendor after regaining the right to work in Canada, which was taken from him last fall. However, this year the fall season may mean something worse for him than losing his job. November 4th has been set as the date of his final deportation…

Zvi Rav-Ner upon Finishing his Diplomatic Mission in Poland

Excerpt from the article: Zvi Rav – Ner: We will never get back to having a Jewish community of 3.5 million people in Poland. Before the war, 80% of the inhabitants of Białystok were Jews. Now there is only one person there, and this person is introducing non-Jewish people to Jewish culture and tradition. It is…

One of two fathers

Families with two fathers or mothers no longer raise eyebrows in Israel. The discussion about allowing homosexual couples access to surrogacy in the country has resurfaced following the earthquake in Nepal, one of the places where Israeli gay couples go to have children via surrogacy. At the very time that we had agreed to meet,…