How Jewish is the Jewish museum?

  Magdalena Wójcik, Michał Bojanowski: Is the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews a Jewish institution or not? Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett: Until very recently the website URL was Taxi drivers would call us either the Jewish Museum or the Holocaust Museum. I would like to think of us as an international museum and…

Wrocław Jewish Community

Although the history of the Jewish Community in Wrocław dates back to the thirteenth century, its most fascinating period started in the nineteenth century, parallel to the Jewish emancipation in Prussia which fueled the community’s unprecedented development. It was at that time that one of the most important Haskalah centers arose there and where the…

Konstanty Gebert: 25 Years of Freedom

  MAGDALENA WÓJCIK: WHAT WAS IT LIKE TO BE JEWISH UNDER COMMUNISM? Konstanty Gebert: The answer to this could be an entire series of seminars, because it all depends: what kind of a Jew, in what year, and where. However, generally speaking, it was common knowledge that being Jewish was not a good idea. The…