The CHIDUSZ editorial team

Вроцлавский триптих

В центре наш соотечественник Пётр ловящий евреев. На втором плане вроцлавская ратуша и кукла с пейсами, искривленные губы в зловещей гримасе – символ власти и ответственности Евреев за всеобщее зло. Кругом адский огонь. Эта часть триптиха указывает на нетвердую почву на которой балансирует душа в поисках правды.

Editorial [to the second English-language issue of CHIDUSZ]

We put together a selective overview of the past 16 months especially for this issue in hopes of presenting an accurate picture of the social and political situation in Poland during that period, highlighting the most important occurrences of Jewish life, and providing a context for the events mentioned in the articles.

A Wrocław Triptych

Piotr gained fame after he set fire to an effigy of a Jew in November of 2015 in Wrocław. Since then he has grown increasingly vocal in his racist opinions, despite the fact that he was recently put on trial and sentenced. Father Jacek is the unofficial chaplain of Polish nationalists. He recently left the priesthood, continues to regularly attend extreme-right rallies and marches, and has shifted his hate-inspired sermons from the pulpit to YouTube. Justyna is the president of the Lower Silesian division of the National Radical Camp (ONR) and one of the young faces of the organization. The centuries-old prejudices and hostility that fill her public appearances clash glaringly with her youthful looks.